الأحد، 20 مارس 2011

كلمة مدير المدرسـة

A word from The Principle of EPS

Teaching is more than a self-enlightening process; it is the blueprint for preparing future generations as it has an immense impact on human society.  Therefore, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the existence of human beings is insignificant without quality teaching and education as they are essential and fundamental to the preservation and success of any society.
As a principal of EPS, I hold myself accountable to high standards of performance so I seek continual improvement in present and future performance. I also believe that students must be provided with high quality instruction. Therefore, I strive to encourage teachers to have an up-to- date knowledge in order to be able to value active over passive learning and works to enhance the student's own motivation and capacity to learn. In addition, I see myself as a learner as I continue to learn from students by using previous experience to continually freshen perspectives.
I always encourage teachers to maintain a climate conductive to quality teaching and learning by providing opportunities for students to work individually and in small groups, as well as with the whole class. Teachers must instill in the students the passion to work collaboratively by engaging all of them emotionally as well as intellectually. Besides, based on the teachers’ beliefs about learning and the principles which underpin their teaching in believing in the ability of all students to learn, they should monitor individual student learning, give relevant feedback and plan according to the needs of individuals and groups.  
As educationalists, our ultimate goal must be to help each student reach the highest possible degree of personal development. For that purpose, we let our students feel that they matter and their views are taken into consideration by creating an inspiring and equitable learning environment.
Dr. Nabil Khlaif

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